Sunday 12 May 2024

CAMDEN BREWERY Co Ltd " M " 1922

  How Do All ,

Continuing the theme of ` Milds in May ` ; 
  Here`s a superb example of a London Mild Ale from the Camden Brewery Co Ltd .

The Camden Brewery Co Ltd , A Brief History ;

In 1849 , a group of bysinessmen , Richard & Abram Garrett , Thomas Whitaker and ,
  George A Grimwood established the concern that later became the Camden Brewery Co Ltd ;
  By the time of " The Camden Brewery Co Ltd " `s registration , the Hawley Crescent concern 
 Operated 30 Licenced Houses ; trading as Garrett , Whitaker , Grimwood & Co .
   In June of 1899 , The Camden Brewery Co Ltd was registered , purchasing not just the brewery,
 But also the goodwill and trade ; carrying on until 1912 , when a receiver appointed by 
 Debenture Holders oversaw the sale of the assets to a newly registered ( Jan 1913 ) 
Camden Brewery Co Ltd .
  In common with many smaller concerns ; the trading conditions imposed by the Great War ,
 Proved difficult but not insummountable ; As by the time of the company`s sale in 1923 ;
 To their London neighbours Courage & Co , the company operated 78 Licenced Houses ,
 With the Hawley Crescent brewery continuing to brew until 1925 .

The recipe is drawn from information contained in the Brewing Book 1922 - 1924 , 
  Cared for by as part of the Courage - Barclay - Simonds archives , 
By the ever helpfull and friendly team at The London Metropolitan Archives ;
Catalogue No : ACC 2305 / 09 - 5 

This article & recipe C Edd Mather 2024 

                               The Camden Brewery Co Ltd and their successors in title 

The Camden Brewery Co Ltd 
The Brewery
Hawley Crescent
Camden Town
                                                            "    M    " 
                                                 Tuesday  11 Th July 1922 
                                                         Gyle No : 209 
                Original Gravity : 1.042 Racking Gravity : 1.010 Final Gravity : 1.007 
                                I B U : 30                                           A B V : 4.6  %

                                                        MALTS  &  ADJUNCTS 

Warminster Malt :                   52.6 % Mild Ale Malt      = 2.170 Kg 
Crisp Malt :                             26.3 % Scottish Ale Malt = 1.085 Kg
                                                17.6 % Chevalier              = 0.165 Kg 

                                                Use a Lightly Burtonised Liquor
                                             Thoroughly pre warm the Mash Tun 
                                With Liquor @ 95 c - 10 Mins BEFORE mashing in ; 
                                                  Liquor 1.5 ABOVE the plates .
                                1  St Mash Heat : 63 c @       0 - +   45 Mins = 9.700 Litres 
                                2 Nd Mash Heat : 66 c @ + 45 - + 125 Mins = 3.920 Litres 
                                                            At 125 Minutes 
                        Slowly open the mash tun valve and return any turbid 1 St runnings 
                                OVER THE MASH until consistently CLEAR & BRIGHT 
                              ONLY then send to the Copper and begin Collection of Wort

                                   Sparge at Clear Wort to the Copper + 5 - 10 Minutes 
                                         = 20.170 Litres ALLOWANCE @ 74 - 71 c .
                          At a gravity of 1.004 , STOP TAPS / close off Mash Tun Valve 
                                          AND COLLECT WORT IN COPPER .
                                                        WORT  COLLECTION
                   After stopping taps @ 1.004 ; COLLECT 27.185 Wort Litres IN COPPER 
Then CONDENSE to 1.037 ON 27.000 Wort Litres IN COPPER @ LET OFF - 120 Minutes 

                                                  1.004     No 1 Invert = 0.400 Kg
                                                  1.000.5  Caramel      = 0.052 Kg
                           ADDED @ Let Off - 63 Minutes to 31.185 Wort Litres @ 1.030.5 

                                                     A 2 Hour Boil ON HOPS 
                                       1 St Hop Charge @ Let Off - 120 Minutes , 
                Then at Let Off - 65 Minutes @ 1.043.25 ON 22.435 Wort Litres IN Copper 
                                                 ADD 9.380 Litres of LIQUOR 
                Reducing the Copper Gravity to 1.030.5 ON 21.815 Wort Litres IN COPPER 
           Then add the Copper Sugars and at Let Off - 60 Minutes , ADD the 2 Nd Hop Charge .
                                     At Let Off - 30 Minutes , ADD the 3 Rd Hops.
            AT Let Off - 12 Mins , ADD the Copper Finings and at Let Off , STAND 1/4 Hour ;
                                THEN RECIRCULATE IN COPPER 15 - 20 Minutes 
                    THEN STAND 1/2 Hour BEFORE COOLING A S A P to Pitching Heat .

                                   1  St Hop Charge : To 27.000 Wort Litres @ 1.037 
                                         2  IBU  Saazer               @ 3.5  % a/a =   7 g
                                        12 IBU  Brewer`s Gold  @ 6.5 % a/a  = 17 g

                                    2  Nd Hop Charge : To 31.815 Wort Litres @ 1.035
                                          10  IBU  Brewer`s Gold @ 6.5  % a/a = 17 g

                                   3  Rd Hop Charge : To 28.630 Wort Litres @ 1.038.5 
                                         4  IBU  East Kent Goldings @ 6.5 %  a/a = 7 g
                                         2  IBU  Cluster                     @ 6.5 % a/a =  4 g

                                            Pitch with 100 ml of a LIVE YEAST 
                                                 TO 25.850 Wort Litres @ 1.042 

DAY   Hour   Heat    Gravity                      REMARKS 
    1           P         15        1.042
    2          M       16.5      1.040.5
                 E       18.5      1.036
    3          M       19.75    1.030
                 E       22         1.023     CLEAR to 2 Nd F V = 25.500 Wort Litres IN F V  
    4          M       16.5      1.017
                 E       16         1.013.5
    5           E       15         1.011.75
    6           E       13.5      1.010
    7           M      13.5      1.010       RACK & FINE to DRAUGHT = 25.200 Beer Litres .

STAND : 2 - 3 Days @ 16 - 19 c  / 1 WEEK @ 13 c 

CELLAR : 2 Weeks at 10 c 

STILLAGE : 1 Week at 10 c then FULLY VENT and allow 6 - 12 Hours before Q . C  

Cheers All and Happy Brewing ,


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