Tuesday 16 April 2024

BEARD & Co : PALE ALE 1860

 How Do All ,

Today`s recipe is my first from the other major brewery in Lewes , 
That of Beard & Co Ltd of the Star Brewery on Fisher St; the first recorded owner of which was ,
One Obidiah Elliott , with the brewery being run by the Elliott family until the late 1700`s .

In 1792 , Chrusolophilus Chitty owned the brewery ; Operating as Chitty & Co until 1812 ;
Though the copyhold had been sold to Thomas Beard in 1811 , the business was known as ,
Chitty & Beard from 1817 to 1820-1 , when it was re named Beard & Co ; 
with the second son of, Thomas Beard , 
Edward Beard and Charles Henry Chitty being the active partners after 1825 , C H Chitty left the Business in 1845 and in 1848 , the nephew of Edward ; 
William Beard was made a partner in the Burgeoning Lewes concern .

In 1859 , Thomas Edward Beard , the son of Edward was admitted to the firm , 
Being succedded in 1886 by his son Charles Edward ; 
Another son of Edward ( d 1868 ) , George Ravenhill Beard was admitted to the partnership ,
by William Beard in 1893 on the retirement of T E Beard .

Beard & Co ( Lewes ) Ltd , was registered as a limited company in June 1936 ; Aquiring 
 The businesses of Beard , Browning , Woodroffe & Co .
  The Star Lane Brewery continued to produce beer until 1958 , 
when their near neighbours in Lewes, Harvey & Co began to produce the Beard`s
 Beers under contract .  In 1998 , the company sold it`s remaining 43 Pubs to Greene King Ltd ; bringing to a close over two centuries of Victualling by the firm .

The record it`self simply comprises a list of materials used and Wort Volume(s) , 
Chiefly the gross total of Malt in Quarters and , the pounds of Hops used ; 
 With the missing details supplied by my knowledge of period practice and inferences drawn 
From other period records .

The photo of a brewing record was kindly sent by friend of the blog , Henry Kirk ;
 I`m looking forward to seeing the other photos you took on my behalf of some of the brewing Production records in the collections of the nice folks at East Sussex Archives at The Keep .
 Cheers Henry 🍻, I really appreciate your assistance with my research ..

This recipe C Edd Mather 2024

                                 Beard & Co ( Lewes ) Ltd and their successors in title 
Beard & Co 
Star Lane Brewery
Fisher St
Brewery Photo from the Brewery History Society Webpage on the Company

                                                             PALE ALE 
                                             Thursday 10 Th May 1860 
            Original Gravity : 1.078  Racking Gravity : 1.013 Racking Gravity : 1.010
                                             I B U : 36     A B V : 9.4  % 

U K  &  Ireland 
Crisp Malt :                        35   %   Chevalier            =  3.215 Kg
Crafty Maltsters :               35   %   Scottish Annat    =  3.190 Kg
Simpson`s Malt :                30   %   Best Pale Ale     =   2.750 Kg

If no Scottish Annat is available,  simply replace that portion of the grist with 35 % Simpson Best Pale Ale Malt 🍻

Voyager Craft Malt :                50    %   Veloria Schooner                   = 4.590 Kg
Barrett - Burston :                    50    %   Border Pale Ale @ 4.5 IBC   = 4.585 Kg

                                                              Universal Grist  
Crisp Malt :                              50      %  Chevalier                      =   4.590 Kg     
                                                 25      %  Pale Ale @ 6.5 IBC      =   2.295 Kg
                                                 25      %  Maris Otter @ 3.5 IBC =   2.295 Kg

                                                              Use a Pale Ale Liquor 
                                   Thoroughly pre warm the mash tun with Liquor @ 95 c 
                                                     - 10 Mins BEFORE mashing in 
                                      Ensuring the Liquor is 1.5 " ABOVE the Plates 
                                1  St Mash Heat : 64 c @ 0 - + 60 Minutes = 21.610 Litres
                           2 Nd Mash Heat : 67 c @ + 60 - + 120 Minutes = 16.205 Litres 
                                                                    At 120 Minutes , 
                Slowly open the mash tun valve and return any turbid 1 St runnings OVER the mash ,
                                Until the Wort is contunually Clear & Bright for 5 Minutes ,
                                  Only then send to the Copper and begin  Wort Collection .

                                                 SPARGING   &   WORT  COLLECTION 
                         SPARGE : At Clear Wort to the Copper + 5 - 10 Minutes @ 70 - 66 c 
                                                             = 32.050 Litres Allowance 
                           At a gravity of 1.007 , STOP TAPS and collect wort in the Copper 
                                              = 32.120 Wort Litres IN COPPER @ 1.069.25 
                                                                At Let Off - X Minutes 
                                                          Then CONDENSE to 1.069.5 
                                ON 32.000 Wort Litres IN Copper @ Let Off - 105 Minutes .

                                                        A 1 3/4 Hour Boil ON HOPS  
                                            1 St Hop Charge @ Let Off - 105 Minutes , 
                                Then at Let Off - 70 Minutes , ADD the 2 Nd Hop Charge 
                                       At Let Off - 12 Minutes , ADD the Copper Finings 
                                                         At Let Off , STAND 1/4 Hour
                             Then Recirculate IN Copper 1/4 Hour then STAND 1/2 Hour 
                                          BEFORE COOLING A S A P to Pitching Heat .

                                     1  St  Hop Charge : To 32.000 Wort Litres @ 1.069.5 
                                                   4  IBU  Goldings           @ 6    % a/a = 21 g
                                                 10  IBU  French Fuggles @ 4.2 % a/a = 32 g

                                     2  Nd Hop Charge : To 30.845 Wort Litres @ 1.072 
                                                6  IBU  Goldings           @ 6     % a/a  =  15 g 
                                               11 IBU  French Fuggles @ 4.2  % a/a  =  35 g

                                                                 RACKING HOPS 
                                                  To 27.500 Beer Litres Racked Down 
                                                                18 g French Fuggles 
                                                                     9 g Goldings 

                                               Pitch 168 ml of a LIVE YEAST @ 15.5 c 
                                                  To 28.270 Wort Litres IN FV @ 1.078
                                                                Reccomended strain 
                                                                  Brewlab Sussex 1 

DAY     Hour     Heat     Gravity                               REMARKS 
    1            P          15.5        1.078
    2           M         16.5        1.076.5
                  E         17.5        1.072.5
    3           M         18.5        1.068
                  E         23.5        1.058
    4           M         24           1.050
                  E         20           1.045
                  E         20           1.040
    5           M         18.5        1.036.5
                  E         18           1.032
    6           M         16.5        1.029.5
                  E         18           1.023.5
    7            M        16.5        1.018.5
                  E         15           1.018
     8           M        15           1.018             Send To Maturation Vessel 
                                                                   = 27.900 Beer Litres IN Vessel .

MATURATION : Stand at 15 - 19 c 2 Days , then @ 12 - 13 c UNTIL at 1.014 ;
                            Then fully vent C V and allow to 13 - 14 c UNTIL @ 1.013.25
                               AT 1.013.5 , Fully Vent C V and Re Seal ; ALLOW TO 15 c ,
                                    @ 1.013.25 , FULLY VENT CV and allow 12 Hours ,
                                      BEFORE RACKING to Draught Vessel ON HOPS .

RACKING : On Hops & FINE = 27.500 Beer Litres ( Estimated ) @ 1.013 14 c 
                        STAND 1 Week @ 12 c , then CELLAR @ 10 c 5 Weeks 
                                          Then Roll Well and Stillage .

STILLAGE : 1 Week at 10 c then FULLY VENT and allow 12 Hours before Q . C 

Cheers All and Happy Brewing ,



  1. Hi Edd. It's interesting to hear the back story to the brewery. On the recipe itself, I can't see Crafty Maltsers Scottish Annat for sale anywhere. Would you consider listing an alternate grain?

    1. Hi Glenn,

      Duly noted , and recipe altered accordingly ,
      Cheers 🍻
