Sunday 28 July 2024


 How Do All ,

Today`s cerevesian delight is the 80 / - from the Craigend Brewery section of ,
The Brewing Book of D J Younger , Part of the Wm Younger & Co Archives 
: Cat Ref : WY 6 / 1 / 2 / 5 ; Cared for as part of the internationally important 
 Scottish Brewing Archive; Cared for by the good folks on Thurso St ,
@  The University of Glasgow , Special Collections & Archives ,

 The Malt used in the Craigend section of the book ranges from " Common " ;
Only entered up for a few brewings in early April 1853 which was then replaced by Chevalier 
 For the rest of the entries in the " MALTS " column after a brewing of 120 /- Ale on 15/04/1853 ;
Which employed 18 Qtrs of Chevalier and 6 Qtrs of Common with both Malts in tandem yielding
 An average of 186 Lbs / Qtr , with the following brew ; A Parti Gyle of 100 /- & Beer using only Chevalier yielding 198 Lbs per Quarter ( Wet ) .

The Hops used in various Craigend brews were entered up in the column ;
Headed by a broad " HOPS " column , sub divided below into " K , EK , F and O " ; 
Which in the case of today`s cerevesian treat was a respectable 120 Lbs of " K " , 
Presumably shorthand for `Kents `. 
The individual weights used entered in the relevant column , also recorded in a right hand section
 Of the Hops column is the Hops per Quarter of Malt used rate  , 
 Varying from 5 Lbs per Quarter in a brew of  60 / - Ale on the 5 Th of April 1853 
( 75 Lbs in total used ) to Gyle No : 39 ,X . P @ 20 Lbs / Qtr ; 3 Rd of June 1853 , 
 Which used a blend of Kents , East Kents and F ( qv Foreign ? ) , 
 To a respectable total charge weight to Coppers of 260 Lbs . 

I Hope you all enjoy today`s recipe ; If any readers are able to assist my research ;
 I`m looking for ( * ) and  access to Scottish Brewing Records that may be in Private Collections 
And Corporate Archives . If you`re able to help , Please get in touch ,  I`d love to hear from you .
( * : In person or , remote access through photos of the records ) 

Cheers All , And Happy Brewing ,


This recipe Edd Mather 2024 

                  The Operators and or Owners of The Craigend Brewery , April - October 1853                  

                                  The Craigend Brewery 
                              North Back of Cannongate 
Photo Courtesy of John Martin ;
Craigend Brewery to the left.  

                                                                     80  / - ALE 
                                                     Friday 29 Th April 1853 
                                                              Brew No : 18
                   Original Gravity 1.086 Racking Gravity 1.023 Final Gravity : 1.020
                                                     I B U : 44    A B V : 8.8  % 

Crisp Malt :                                          Chevalier      =    7.785  Kg 
                                                Use an Edinburgh or Pale Ale Liquor Profile ;
            Thoroughly pre warm the mash tun with Liquor @ 95 c - 10 Mins BEFORE mashing in ,   
                                     ENSURE the Liquor is 1.5 " ABOVE the Plates / Filter Bed 
                                     1  St Mash Heat : 65 c @ 0 - + 60 Minutes = 18.0 Litres
                                  2 Nd Mash Heat : 68 c @ + 60 - + 120 Minutes = 12.50  Litres 
                                                             At Taps ( 120 Minutes ) , 
                                                      Slowly open the mash tun valve ;
                              Return any Cloudy Wort OVER the mash until BRIGHT & CLEAR
                                        Only then send to the Copper and begin Wort Collection .

                                             At Clear Wort to the Copper + 5 - 10 Minutes ,
                                                         Sparge @ 85  c = 21.0 Litres 
                                                     ( Sparge Liquor  Allowance Volume )  
                                At a gravity of 1.006.5 , STOP TAPS / CLOSE OFF Mash Tun Valve    
                                                            Then Collect Wort in Copper   

                                                        WORT COLLECTION
                       After stopping taps at 1.006.5 and collecting Wort ; ADD Liquor to the Copper ,
                       Reducing the Wort Gravity to 1.064.75 ON 29.115 Wort Litres IN COPPER ,
                                                                    Then CONDENSE 
                             To 1.065 ON 29.000 Wort Litres in Copper @ Let Off - 180  Minutes .

                                                   A 155 Minute Boil ON HOPS  
                                                          1 St Hops @ Let Off - 180 Mins 
                                                       2 Nd Hop Charge @ Let Off - 90 Mins
                                                       3 Rd Hop Charge @ Let Off - 40  Mins
                                            At Let Off - 12 Minutes , ADD the Copper Finings ;
                                                    Then at Let Off , STAND Copper 15 Mins , 
                                                 Recirculate Wort IN COPPER 15 - 20 Minutes ;
                              Then STAND 1/2 Hour before COOLING A S A P to Pitching Heat .

                                        1 St Hop Charge : To 29.000 Wort Litres @ 1.065
                                                        16  IBU Goldings @ 6 % a/a - 31 g  

                                            2 Nd Hop Charge : To 24.090 Wort Litres @ 1.076   
                                                        16 IBU Goldings @ 6 % a/a = 26 g

                                             3 Rd Hop Charge : To 22.030 Wort Litres @ 1.082.5
                                                           6 IBU Goldings @ 6  % a/a = 12 g
                                                   6 IBU Hallertau Heresbrucker @ 3.5 % = 20 g

                                                  Pitch with 110 ml of a LIVE YEAST @ 14 c 
                                                            To 21.0 Wort Litres @ 1.0 86
                                                                       ( IN F V Volume )  
                                                               Edinburgh Type Yeast Strain 

DAY   Hour    Heat    Gravity                              REMARKS
    1           P           14         1.086       Rouse @ Pitch + 3 - EVERY 3 - DROP to 2 Nd F V @ 1.080 
    2           E          14.5       1.053       ROUSE every 4 - 6 Hours - STOP 
                 E 11     16          1.046
    3           M  6     16          1.040
                 M 10    18.5       1.038
    4           M         19          1.033
              E / + 4     21          1.026      Light Skim 
    5           M          18         1.024.5   COOL 
                  E          16         1.023.75 
    6            E          15         1.023.25
    7            E         13.5       1.023.0
    8           M         13.5       1.023.0   Rack and Fine to DRAUGHT Vessel 

STAND : 2 - 3 Days @ 13 - 19 c 

CELLAR : 3 Month at 6 - 8 c , THEN Fine and Roll Well + 1 - 2 Weeks @ 10 - 12 c 

STILLAGE : 1 Week at 10 c then FULLY VENT and allow 8 - 12 Hours BEFORE Q . C 

Cheers All 🍻 


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