Sunday 31 December 2023


How Do All ,

I`ve been distracted by other , Non Wm Younger & Co  Edingurgh beery research over the past year ;
Discovering brewing records for Robert Whitson of Leith at the rear of the West Brewery, 
Elgin Brewing Book ( Cat Ref : E W B ) from the Scottish Brewing Archive in Glasgow and ,
Finding an Edinburgh brewing record at The National Brewing Library ; held by the helpfull
Team at Oxford Brookes University in Headington , this latter discovery being in the shape and nature 
Of a small , Pocket sized notebook entered up in pencil with no formal divisions as in the 
William Younger brewing books .

After cogitating for a while on the choice of recipe for Hogmanay / New Year`s Eve , I thought 
What better choice than to continue the run of X X X recipies on the blog with an entry from,
The Abbey Brewery of William Younger & Co in Edinburgh ,So here`s a beauty for you all to go at,
This time from the from the June 1879 -  June 1882  Brewing Book : Cat No WY 6 / 1 / 2 / 28 . 
Part of the internationally important Scottish Brewing Archive ; Held safe and cared for by the ever helpfull team at Glasgow University Special Collections & Archives .

This recipe C Edd Mather 2024 

                                          Wm Younger Co Ltd and their successors in title 

                   This Recipe for 30.150 Wort Litres to Copper @ 1.049.75  , 80 % Mash Efficiency 
                                      30.000 Wort Litres IN Copper @ Let Off - 120 AT 1.050
                                                 22.800 Beer Litres Racked Down IN C . V
                                                 Approx 22.400 Beer Litres TO BOTTLES  

William Younger & Co 
Abbey Brewery 

                                                             X X X ALE 
                                                         Friday 26 Th December 1879
                                                               Gyle No : 253 & 254 
                            Original Gravity : 1.062  C . V Gravity : 1.018  Final Gravity : 1.009
                                                       I  B  U  : 30            A B V  : 7.0 %

U K & Ireland 
Crisp Malt :                                     12  %  Chevalier            =   0.745 Kg
                                                        32  %   Hana Vienna      =   1.985 Kg
Warminster Malt :                           24  %  Plumage Archer  =  1.485 Kg
Crafty Maltsters :                            32  %  Scottish Annat     = 1.970 Kg

Crisp Malt :                                     12  %  Chevalier                       =   0.745 Kg 
Voyager Craft Malt :                       32   % Veloria Vienna               =   1.980 Kg
                                                        32   %  Veloria Schooner          =  1.980 Kg
Barrett - Burston :                           24   %  Border Pale @ 4.5 ebc =  1.485 Kg

Crisp Malt :                                     12  %  Chevalier                      =   0.745 Kg
Red Shed Malt :                              64  %  Rocky Mountain Malt  =   3.965 Kg
Malting Comapny of Canada :        24  % Bow Valley Select Malt =  1.480 Kg

New Zealand & South Africa 
Crisp Malt :                                     12  %  Chevalier            =   0.745 Kg
Weyermann Malt :                           64  % ` Barke ` Vienna  =  3.965 Kg
Simpson`s / Thos Fawcett / Crisp   24  %  Maris Otter         =  1.480 Kg

U S A 
Crisp Malt :                                     12  %  Chevalier                =   0.745 Kg
Weyermann Malt                             32  % `Barke` Vienna        =  1.980 Kg
Valley Malt                                      32  %  Pale Ale Malt          =  1.980 Kg
Tex Malt                                           24  %  Wildfire Pale Ale  = 1.480 Kg

                                        Use an Edinburgh / Lightly Burtonised LIQUOR
                                               Thoroughly Pre Warm the Mash Tun ;
                               ENSURING the Liquor is 1.5 ABOVE the Plates / Filter Bed
                                1  St Mash Heat : 66 c At 0  +  120 Minutes = 17.700 Litres 
                       2 Nd Mash Heat :  68 c At + 120 - + 160 Minutes = 13.200 Litres  
     At Taps ( 160 Minutes ) , Slowly open the mash tun valve and return any Cloudy / Turbid 
                         FIRST Runnings OVER the Mash UNTIL CLEAR & BRIGHT    
                         ONLY THEN Send to the Copper and begin Collection of Wort

                                                       SPARGING  &  COLLECTION 
                    Sparge at Clear Wort to the Copper + 10 Minutes @ 76 c = 18.550 Litres 
  At a Gravity of 1.005 , Stop Taps / Close OFF Mash Tun Valve and COLLECT WORT in Copper ;
  ADD LIQUOR to the Copper , Reducing the Copper Gravity to 1.049.75 ON 30.150 Wort Litres
              THEN CONDENSE TO 30.000 Wort Litres IN COPPER AT LET OFF - 120 Minutes  
TAKE Care to remove any Scum / Detritus floating on the Wort Surface BEFORE L/Off - 120 Mins.

                                                          A 2 Hour boil ON HOPS  
                                            1 St Hop Charge @ Let Off - 120 Minutes 
                                          Let Off - 60 Mins , ADD the 2 Nd Hop Charge .
                                    AT Let Off - 30 Minutes , ADD the 3 Rd Hop Charge 
            AT Let Off - 12 Minutes , ADD the Copper Finings then at Let Off , STAND 1/4 Hour
                     AT Let Off + 15 Mins , RECIRCULATE IN COPPER 10 - 15 Minutes 
                  THEN STAND 1/2 Hour BEFORE COOLING A  S  A  P  to Pitching Heat 

                                       1  St  Hop Charge : To 30.000 Wort Litres @ 1.050
                                    5 IBU East Kent Goldings / Cluster @ 6.5 % a/a = 10 g
                                                     15 IBU Goldings @ 6 % a/a = 26 g

                                        2 Nd Hop Charge : To 26.400 Wort Litres @ 1.056 
                                             2 IBU East Kent Goldings @ 6.5 % a/a =   4 g
                                       3 IBU Hallertau Heresbrucker @ 3.5 % a/a = 10 g

                                        3 Rd Hop Charge : To 24.985 Wort Litres @ 1.059
                                        5 IBU Hallertau Heresbrucker @ 3.5 % a/a = 14 g 

                                                                   RACKING HOPS
                                     TO 23.300 - 23.200 Beer Litres Racked Down IN C . V 
                                               10 g Hallertau Heresbrucker @ 3.5 % a/a 
                                                 4 g East Kent Goldings       @ 6.5 % a/a

                                             Pitch With 130g Weight of a LIVE YEAST @ 14 c
                                               Reccomendation : Edinburgh Type Yeast Strain 

DAY     Hour     Heat     Gravity                               REMARKS 
    1             P           14         1.062
    2            M          14.25    1.057
                   E          14.75    1.054      DROP to 2 Nd F V = 23.400 Wort Litres IN Vessel 
    3            M          17.75    1.044
                   E          18.75    1.036
    4            M          21         1.027
                   E          17.5      1.021
    5             M         15         1.019.75
                    E         13.5      1.019
    6              E         13.5      1.019     SEND TO Conditioning Vessel ( C . V )  ON HOPS 

STAND : 2 Weeks @ 12 - 13 c THEN COOL TO 6 - 8 c 

CELLAR : At 8 c FOR 4 - 6 Months then ROLL WELL and STAND 1 Month at 10 c

STILLAGE : 1 Month at 10 c then allow to 12 c and FULLY VENT @ 1.012.25 - 1.012 
                      ALLOW THE C . V to 15 c FROM 1.012 and ;
                      BOTTLE CLEAR & BRIGHT @ 15 - 16 c 1.011.75 - 1.011.5 
                      STAND : 1 Week @ 13 - 16 c then CELLAR : 2 - 3 Months @ 10 c 
Q . C : After standing 1 Month @ 12 c / 2 - 3 @ 10 c , QC !! 

NB : Allow to settle for 1 Week @ 10 - 12 c after transport of bottles before further Q.C 
Cheers All and Happy Brewing in 2024 !



  1. Hey Edd! I'm finally starting to put this recipe together on my system and see if I can get the malts.
    What SRM is this beer supposed to come out at?

    1. How Do Lowell ,
      Good Luck with the brew 🤞🍻;
      As to the Colour of the finished beer , I've never been over concerned with this one; preferring to ' dial in ' the flavours ; body & mouthfeel etc ; that being said , Re Colour: Anywhere from a bright Copper to a 'Med Dk Flame Mahogany ' would be ideal .
      If you drop another comment with your general location in the world, I'll see what I can do vis a vis the grist; tailored to your local supply situation.
      Cheers 🍻

  2. Hey Edd, I'm in the US, but am able to get Weyermann Barke Vienna, Crisp Chevalier Heritage and of course Maris Otter. I put together a recipe based on the New Zealand recommendations. My recipe software is coming up with an SRM of 8, but perhaps the 120 minute boil may darken it a bit.

    1. Hi Lowell ,
      Thanks for your reply 🍻
      I thought you'd have gone for the USA grist 😉.
      Cheers 🍻
